Sulmtaler Chicken




The Sulmtaler olriginates from the south wset of the Austrian region of Stiermarken in the valleys of Kainach, Lassnitz, Sulm and Saggau (tal = valley).

The fat fowl of Stiermarken were famous for their carcase quality. They were maize fed from the area crops.

From 1865 to 1875 the heavy country fowl were crossed with Cochin, Houdan and Dorkings. These mixtures were recrossed again with local birds from Stiermarken, Mr Armin Arbeiter of Feldhof near Gras developed the modern Sulmtaler at the end of the nineteenth century.

Its was bred extensively after the 1914/1918 war and spread into Germany and Holland. In the early 1960s the Germans produced a Sulmtaler bantam, which has now overtaken the large in popularity in Europe.

Accepted into the Dutch standard in 1986.

The Sulmtaler bantams are an exact replica of their large counterparts. The Sulmtaler bantams in Britain came from four distinct strains, three Dutch and one German, there being different characteristics for each.


Heavy / Rare



Egg Color

Cream to light brown

Egg Numbers

160 per annum

Breed Club Secretary

Rare Poultry Society
Richard Billson
Alexandra Cottage, 8 St Thomas’s Road, Great Glen, Leicestershire,