Breed Club Secretary
Ducks come under the brief of:
· The Domestic Waterfowl Club of Great Britain
· The British Waterfowl Association
Originally refered to in the early books such as Lewis Wright and others as the Decoy changing about the 1890’s to the name Call . . . Colours known then were the dark (Mallard) and the White. His comments upon them was that ‘The flesh is good: but there is too little to repay breeding them for the table, and their only proper place is on the lake.’.
A short compact and cobby bird with a round face and short bill . . . as a rule it should be shorter than the last digit of an adult thumb . . . maximum length 1 1/4 inches / 3.1cm.
Breed Tips
NEVER buy as singles or females as they will fly in Spring to find a mate… often the local Mallard. It is actually a criminal offense to release Domestic birds into the wild.
Always popular little ducks bred to have a loud quack, so that they could be used as decoys on lakes to attract wild ducks into the area. In fact they usually only quack loudly if separated from from their mate. They are the favourite show breed of duck and are bred to a very high standard. They come in a varity of colours. Beaks should be the length of the top thumb digit or smaller. Most mini ducks for sale are NOT call Ducks . . . beware!
Kept as pairs or alternatively trios . . . depending upon the drakes energy levels. They lay one clutch per year normally . . . thus will not sit and brood if the eggs are removed. Excellent fliers can thus be pinioned . . . the ducklings have to be done as babies . . . consult the vet for further information about this. If not clip the wings or net new birds to curtail their homing instincts.
Egg Color
Egg Numbers